Stage 1

Alright, let's focus on the first stage.

Recalling the story we wrote at the start of this guide, we can see that the first stage is

== Stage 1 ==

Julian - Hi there, I have an issue and I need some logs, would you mind getting them for me?
* Option 1: Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now.
* Option 2: Sure, I'd love to!

[Option 1]
    Julian - I see, maybe I can find someone else to help me.
[Option 2]
    Julian - Great! I need 5 Oak Logs!
    {Continue Check}
        {Start Quest}
        {Send Message "Quest Started: ${}.\n[Written by Username]"}

Building the stage

In the quest block, let's focus on the New Stage: 1 block as this is our first stage.

To build the first dialog with options, drag a Option Dialog block from the Quest tab of the toolbox and attach it to the stage block.

Setting the NPC Dialog

To set the NPCs dialog, edit the Dialog Text variable with our dialog which in this case is Hi there, I have an issue and I need some logs, would you mind getting them for me?

Setting the Options

To set the options, drag a Create List Block from the Lists tab of the toolbox.

Since we have two options, we only need two items in our list, to do this, click the cogwheel icon of the list block, and drag one of the item blocks into the gray area to delete it. When this has been done, click the cogwheel icon again to close it.

Then, drag two Text blocks from the Text tab of the toolbox and attach them to the list block.

After this, we need to fill in our options, Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now. and Sure, I'd love to!.

When we've done this, we need to drag the list block with the options filled in into the Options input of the Option Dialog block.

Continuing the options

Next, drag a Promise Block from the Quest tab into the workspace and attach it to the Option Dialog block.

Then, change the returns to option

Next up, drag an if block from the Logic tab and an Option Block from the Quest tab into the workspace.

Set the option variable of the Option block to 0.

Attach the Option block to the if statement of the if block and attach the if block to the inside of the Promise block we created earlier.

When this is done, drag a Dialog Block from the Quest tab and attach it to the do variable of the if block and then set the Dialog Text to I see, maybe I can find someone else to help me.

Second option

Alright, now that we have the first option done, the second one should be pretty straight-forward.

Click the cogwheel of the if block and drag an else if block from the gray area and attach it to the if block and then close it by clicking the cogwheel again.

Then, attach another Option block to the else if variable, setting the option to 1.

Now drag a dialog block from the Quest tab and attach it to the do of the else if section of the if block, setting the Dialog Text to Great! I need 5 Oak Logs!.

After this, attach a Promise block to the Dialog block and set the returns variable to msg.

Then, drag a Continue Check Block from the Quest tab and attach it to the inside of the Promise block.

Almost done

Drag two Promise blocks to the workspace and attach them to the bottom of the one we just created with a Continue Check block.

In the first one, add a Start Quest Block from the Quest tab.

In the second one, add a Send Message Block from the Quest tab and set the Message variable to `Quest Started: ${}.\n[Written by Username]` , replacing Username with your Discord Username and Discriminator (The Four numbers at the end of your name), which in my case is Mackan#7196


Alright! We've completed the first stage, let's continue to stage 2!

Last updated