Stage 3

Alright, let's focus on the last stage of our quest.

Recalling the story we wrote at the start of this guide, we can see that the third and last stage is

== Stage 3 ==

{If User Has 5 Pine Logs}
    Julian - Thank you, now I can solve this issue!
    {Continue Check}
        {Take 5 Pine Logs from User Inventory}
        {End Quest}
        {Send End Quest Dialog}
    Julian - Have you gotten the pine logs yet?

Building the stage

In the quest block, let's focus on the New Stage: 3 block.

Starting out, drag an if block from the Logic tab to the workspace and edit it to have an else block by clicking the cogwheel icon and dragging an else block from the gray area to the if block, then clicking the cogwheel to close it again.

After this, attach a Has Item block from the Quest to the if condition, set the Item ID to the ID of the Pine Logs which was 408 as we recall from our storywriting, and the Item Amount to 5, then attach it to the New Stage: 3 block.

Drag a Dialog block into the else argument of the if block and set the Dialog Text to Have you gotten the pine logs yet?

Drag another Dialog block into the do argument of the if block and set the Dialog Text to Thank you, now I can solve this issue!

Drag a Promise Block from the Quest tab and attach it to the bottom of the Dialog block we just added and change the returns variable to msg, then add a Continue Check Block to the promise block.

Drag three more Promise blocks and attach them to the bottom of the first one in our current stage.

In the first one, add a Take Item Block, set the Item ID to the ID of the Pine Logs and the amount to 5.

In the second one, add a End Quest Block.

In the last one, add a End Quest Dialog Block.

After this is done, drag a User Inventory Block and attach it right under the Has Item block.


Alright! We've completed the quest!

Next up, you can write your own quest and build it yourself, then submit it to Mackan!

Last updated